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Ten Unexpected Ways What Is My Culture Examples Can Make Your Life Better

One of the most important considerations in learning about yourself and your own cultural group is to ask, “what is my culture?” Many people have difficulty answering this question because they have been raised to think that all members of their group share the same culture. This is not always the case, especially when it comes to physical appearance or other such specifics. So, how do you determine what is my culture and what are some examples of what you might consider cultural values?

First, take a moment to consider your personal definition of culture. This might be based on your ethnicity, heritage, religion, national origin or any other group classification that you might choose. There are multiple options here and you might get some conflicting responses. For example, you might say that your group shares a culture based on its language while another member might insist that it is based on its food. While you might get a point for your initial choices, you might find that you are not making the right conclusion for yourself.

So, what is my culture? This is a question that is crucial to understanding your own cultural beliefs, as well as others'. This is a definition that you make on your own and not one that is agreed upon by others. However, there are certain things that you should consider when trying to get a consensus definition of your own cultural values. Consider what the definition of your culture includes and whether there are any elements that you would like to include or exclude from that definition.

A common mistake made by some people when attempting to come up with a culture definition is to choose an example that belongs to the group but which is not representative of them. For example, if you choose a movie starring Will Smith as the perfect example of a modern day hero, then another person who may not share this same culture could view the film as completely ridiculous and even irresponsible. This is not the point, however. The point is to allow everyone to have an accurate picture of his or her own culture in order to understand its definition and the extent to which it includes his or her cultural values.

A second example of how a culture definition can be misrepresented occurs when a definition is created to exclude individuals who do not fall into the culture. Consider the following two examples. The first example involves a Jewish family who have a strong Jewish identity. The mother sends her daughter to private school instead of going to a public girls' school because she believes that private schools will teach her more about her heritage. Her daughter goes to Mazzarella Catholic High School and studies in business, economics, communications, and sociology. Her friends also consider her to be very Jewish despite not being strictly religiously Jewish.

The second example involves an African American man and his partner. They decide to marry each other despite having never attended a public ceremony. This man is part of a white group in their city and thus, his friends do not think that he belongs to that group. Despite not speaking the same language, they view him as a member of their group because he fits in with the dominant culture in their group. What is my culture?

Each answer to the question “what is my culture?” can be different depending on the perspective of those asked. How each person answers this question will depend on his or her own personal values, beliefs, experiences, and knowledge. Each person will create his or her own culture definition based on the experiences of his or her own life and heritage.

A key to understanding “what is my culture?” is to develop and explore one's own definitions. Each person will come up with his or her own personal definition. The more one understands his or her own cultural background, the easier it will be for him or her to understand the others' definitions.

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