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Meaning of cancel culture

When I was growing up, my father often gave me “Cancellation Culture” quotes. They usually resonated with how I felt about a situation: that there were times when life dealt me a blow, and that I had to go against the grain and “cancel out” those feelings. It always made me think of “The Omen.” I would hear the sound of birdsong in the fall, and my mother would rush into the house to find out what it meant. The Omen, a Christian religious event, came around every three years.

For my father, cancellation culture was the use of “The Omen” as an excuse to avoid dealing with real problems. He made it sound as if it was acceptable to use “The Omen” as a “just-for-fun” excuse to avoid dealing with real or legitimate problems. There was nothing wrong with the “Omen” itself, nor was he suggesting that the government should have any say in whether a woman should have children or not. The “Omen” itself had nothing to do with abortion. He just used it as a politically correct way to duck hard questions.

Youthsplaining: Everything You Need to Know About Cancel Culture – meaning of cancel culture 

Recently, I read an article discussing the meaning of cancel culture. It was written by a self-proclaimed “Sage.” The article discussing the meaning of cancel culture was published online in a website dedicated to discussing “The Christian Mind.” I was really taken back by the tone of this author's writing. It almost sounded as if she was telling me to forget about The Omen.

This” Sage” goes on to explain that she is bothered that so many public figures are using The Omen as a “screwdriver” to get their way. She says that cancellous have become a bad part of society due to the fact that such things are used by people to manipulate other people. Her whole point of the article was that there is nothing wrong with using the Omen to cancel culture.

THOMAS: Reframe Cancel Culture Debate – meaning of cancel culture 

This article discussing the meaning of cancel culture was published on the blog Articulate Thoughts. I was impressed by the quality of the writing and the way this author was willing to use “Acement” as a derogatory term to describe abortion. I was somewhat surprised that she also pointed out the mental health effects of abortion as well. It would seem as if she thinks that abortion causes mental health effects that cancel out the benefits of pro-life culture.

Cancel culture: what is it, and how did it begin? – meaning of cancel culture

Many religious folks have used the “Cancel Culture” term to attack those who hold views contrary to their religion. Many nonreligious folks use the “Cancel Culture” term to point out those who are ironed by their faith. It appears as if the “Cancel Culture” article writer wishes to prevent anyone from being ironed by their religion, perhaps they think those without any religion should not have the right to defend their beliefs. Whatever the case may be, it appears as if Ms. Rice has fallen victim to the same culture-killing virus that is sweeping across the world.

Perhaps someone ought to teach Ms. Rice a little empathy or teach her kids some empathy when they misbehave? Will anyone teach Ms. Rice that she is not allowed to use the word cancel culture when she disagrees with someone she considers to be correct? Maybe we need to start labeling these folks as Racist and insensitive instead of empathetic; in fact, they could be more accurately described as insensitive to the perspective of those who disagree with them.

If you are someone who believes in free speech, you are likely to disagree with those who think that those with a different point of view should be denied the opportunity to voice it. Are you someone who feels that the phrase “Cancel Culture” is an accurate description of those who use “Acement” to describe those they disagree with? If so, you are not only in the minority but unfortunately you are part of a minority who apparently thinks that empathy is a crime. I'm going to have to ask you, why are you doing this to yourself and to our nation?

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